High Intensity Gait Training for Neurological Disorders

July 17, 2024

Neurological disorders such as stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, and spinal cord injuries often lead to impaired mobility and reduced gait performance. Traditional rehabilitation approaches have focused on low to moderate-intensity exercises, which, while beneficial, may not be sufficient to induce significant neuroplastic changes and functional improvements. High-intensity gait training (HIGT) as part of post-stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury physical therapy has emerged as a promising intervention to enhance mobility and independence in individuals with neurological disorders.

What is high intensity gait training:

High-intensity gait training involves performing walking or gait-related exercises at an intensity that is challenging and requires significant physical effort. The key components of HIGT include:

  1. Intensity: The training is performed at high effort levels, measured by heart rate (70-85% of maximum heart rate) or perceived exertion scales (Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale).
  2. Task-Specificity: The exercises mimic real-world walking tasks to improve functional mobility.
  3. Repetition: High repetition of walking tasks helps reinforce motor learning and neuroplasticity.
  4. Progressive Overload: The intensity and complexity of the tasks are gradually increased to continue challenging the individual and promoting adaptation.

Benefits of HIGT:

  1. Improved Gait Speed and Endurance: HIGT has been shown to enhance walking speed and endurance, enabling individuals to cover longer distances more quickly.
  2. Enhanced Functional Mobility: By practicing task-specific movements, individuals can improve their ability to perform daily activities, leading to greater independence.
  3. Increased Cardiovascular Fitness: The high-intensity nature of the training provides cardiovascular benefits, which are crucial for overall health and well-being.
  4. Neuroplasticity and Motor Recovery: HIGT promotes neuroplastic changes in the brain, facilitating the recovery of motor functions and improving coordination.
  5. Psychological Benefits: The sense of achievement and progress can boost motivation and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Contactour experienced physical therapists at Neubility Rehabilitation and Wellness in Pinellas Park if you or your loved had experienced a stroke, brain injury or spinal cord injury for information about our High Intensity Gait Training program.

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