Rehab Treadmill
The Mobility Research Gaitkeeper treadmill has a true 0 start and a 0.1 mph increment, thus, suitable for all levels of patients.
Treadmill training for stroke survivors who are ambulatory improve walking speed and walking distance (Mehrholz et al., 2017). High intensity speed-based treadmill training improved self-selected speed, fastest walking speed and walking endurance in those with chronic stroke; and effects maintained at 3 months post training (Madhaven, 2019).
Treadmill training for those with Parkinson’s disease improved walking speed, strike length and walking distance; and was found to be more beneficial compared to traditional therapy without treadmill training (Mehrholz et al., 2015).
Body Weight Support Harness System
LiteGait provides postural control and weight-bearing assistance for fall-free therapeutic activitie
LiteGait therapy allows clients to safely engage in progressively challenging functional activities early in the rehabilitation process and throughout treatment.
LiteGait therapy benefits clients with lower extremity pain, lower extremity and trunk weakness, weight-bearing restrictions or amputation, diminished cardiopulmonary function, and poor activity tolerance. LiteGait therapy also benefits higher-functioning clients be challenged and progressed in a fall-free environment.
LiteGait can be used for gait over ground or with a treadmill, for balance and standing activities such as therapeutic exercise and ADL, for supported sitting and quadruped positioning, along with cardio and balance equipment and for many other activities.

Rifton Tram
The Rifton TRAM is a mobility aide to assist patients to get into standing and walking. With this new piece of equipment we are able to get those at a lower level function up and moving a lot sooner.
It can also be used to support the patient during overground walking training to promote higher intensity while keeping the patient safe

The Rehab Arch Harness System
The Slip Trainer is a tool for providing reactive perturbation and step training.
Using “Reactive Training” instead of the typical anticipatory training, the Slip Trainer allows therapists to quickly and dramatically improve reactive stepping responses in as little as one visit.

The new gait
The New Gait is a wearable orthotic device for people with mobility impairments. Strategically placed elastic bands provide mechanical refinements, postural corrections and inhibition or facilitation depending on patients needs.

The slip trainer
The Slip Trainer is a tool for providing reactive perturbation and step training.
Using “Reactive Training” instead of the typical anticipatory training, the Slip Trainer allows therapists to quickly and dramatically improve reactive stepping responses in as little as one visit.